Tomorrow I'll back to Kuantan and I'm not sure when I will back to KL. There is no internet connection in my home in Kuantan because I had terminate my Streamyx since no one in home will use it. Indirectly, I'll have difficulty to update my blog during in Kuantan so I'll go to cyber cafe when I need to update my blog.
Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for visiting my blog.
- AlvinFtc aka Wolfz -
28 September 2007
Back Kuantan
25 September 2007
Past 10 Days
First, let me apologize for my inconvenient for updating my blog site. It's really been a very busy days for me for the past 10 days. Not only because without internet connection but also totally got no time to rest well and of course not to say time for blogging. But hey!! I'm back~!! So busy, where should I start ?? Hmm...Let me briefly narrate my 1 week travel journey~!!
Went to Genting with Cherry. That day the fog was so thick and the wind was so strong that it managed blew me few steps behind when I open the door from Hotel Genting main entrance. The cold of the gust managed to soaked into my bone and my whole body was temporary freeze for few second. For those who got play Defence Of The Ancient (Dota) , it just like I got FrostBite skill casted on me from Crystal Maiden and temporary froze for few second.
Around 10 pm, Cherry straight bring me went to Pooppy and have some drink with her friends. Then when reached home, around 3 am I straight drive to Subang and have my supper with Leon them in Asia Cafe.
Went to 1 Utama and met Lau's group (including Ho pek, Philip, Soon) there. Then met Leon and EeLin at Starbucks. What to do, Leon rich..felt thirsty and just want have a cup of drink also need find Starbucks. Without Leon knowing, we follow him shopping and try to notice what he like so that we could buy it as his birthday present on next week. EeLin secretly asked me help her buy him the Zara sweater, and we notice he like the Creative brand mp3. After dinner, straight rush to Malacca since it's Suzanne birthday on 16/09 (btw it's Lau's birthday too).
Reach Malacca at 12 ++ am. Suzanne was in PureBar, so we straight rush to PureBar and of cause Lau wanted to give her surprise!! Mission Accomplished!!!
Morning call by Mr. Leon - gave me 10 minutes to brush, bath, comb, and get my butt into his car!!! Went to Jalan Laksama to have our lunch in chicken rice ball shop. Then I became their tour guide in Malacca for the whole day. Went to Church of St. Francis Xavier, famous Stadthuys or well-known as Red House, Clock Tower, St. Paul Hill, A'Famosa, and last back to Jonker Street and had the Baba Chendol - more famous with the name of Durian Chendol.
At night, we had out dinner at TC Spring which is a Chinese air-conditioning restaurant. Then we went to Sunshine Bar to celebrate Suzanne birthday by singing birthday song and cut the cake there. Went back home and rest !! Totally exhausted !!
It's time for me to do my own work!!! Haven't finish do my presentation report and presentation slides. Afternoon time went to find Ms. Nun and Mr. Liew to have some chatting :) Asked about my degree stuff and some other stuff. Then suddenly.. Oh mY GOD!!!! I left my weekly log which Mr. Danny signed on the report in KL!! I was like, what to do? what to do? what to do????? So went to see Mr. Liew and asked him regarding this problem. Luckily he said I can pass it to him later :) phew~
My industrial training presentation day. It's so hot to walk from Stygix to campus since I stay in my ex-housemates's house there. Well, the presentation went smooth and got no problem at all. Afternoon, rush back to KL because night, I need to back Kuantan with my sister because of the next day is my brother's big day~ He going to register his marriage :D
A very special day for my brother~!! He turned to be a husband of some one special to him. Hahaha...Can saw his face that he very happy on that day. It's just registration on this day and he plan to have his wedding dinner everything on next year. Well, haven't get the pictures of this day from him yet so I'll late post the pictures for 19/09/2007. Night, rush back to KL.
Thursday. Early in the morning take bus to Malacca again to submit my weekly log which I forget to bring last 2 days ago. Then afternoon take bus come back KL (fuh...tired!!). So rush?? It's because night going club with Leon, EeLin, Kok Wai, Chiew Heong, and SooWai but at last we just went to Laundry at The Street there have some drink and then continue our drink plus supper at Indomie in SS2 area.
Afternoon after lunch at ss2 Wong Kok Char Chan Teng then back to Kuantan with SooWai's car. Back Kuantan to celebrate Mr. Leon Gan 20th birthday~!! Reached Kuantan then straight went to the barbecue venue - Mr. Joo Heng's house and see what can I help there. After 7pm plus!! Party start!!!!!!!More pictures of the party in my friendster photos.
Went to Teluk Chempedak ( Kuantan's beach). Have some jelly ice there and get some snapshot of the beach but I havent got those pictures from my dear, Vion's camera yet. So the pictures will upload late. Sorry~
Night - FALL SICK!!!! Maybe travel too much and not enough rest then had alcohol drinks, barbecue. So can't back on the night. Follow my brother's car back KL on the next day.
So, thats all the reminiscence of a Wolfz for these past 10 days. My sick is getting better now so thanks for those who concern me especially my dear, Vion, my brother n his wife, and my family members.
Last, Happy Mooncake Festival every one~!!! Let's celebrate it with happiness~~!!
17 September 2007
No Internet Connection
Oh no...I can't online for few days because now I in malacca preparing my presentation stuff and staying in my ex-housemates house (Jenson, Kim, Yew, and Siang). Here got internet connection actually but they all need to use their computer too. So whenever I got chance to use their computer I'll try to finish up my report and presentation slide. Thats why I got no time to update my blog although it's quite happening for this few days. I will try to update my blog as soon as possible when I back to KL.
Thanks for those who waiting my blog to be update and sorry for my slow update.
12 September 2007
Open For Registration Now
For all my friends who now doing their internship for diploma and wish to continue their study in degree, the chance is here. MMU had open the registration for Cadp to Beta.
Please be informed that Online Application for the Diploma to Beta Transfer is open for three weeks. |
The link to access is here.
Or you can access to the homepage of adp website.
10 September 2007
Nanako 19
Totally felt disappointed on Hong Kong's ghost movie. Well, but already expected this movie won't be a good show anyway, just wanted to use the "extra" time on weekend. This show is about Gillian, a college students who stay with her another 3 best friends - Eva, Violet, and Mandy who die 1 by 1 start with Eva after they play a SMS game call "Welcome to Hell".
The game got 19 level of hell but as for history of Chinese, hell usually got 18 level which every one call it as "18 level hell" (direct translate from mandarin) and they felt weird why there was level 19 and play the game. Inside the game the girls will see a guy called Gao but the truth of this Gao is, he already dead from comitted suicide 10 years ago.
Gillian continue play this game with the guide from Gao that the person who play this game must have great courage to counter the game's fear and that's the only way to survive from the game. She keep ontinue play it because she wanted to know what happen to Eva what cause Eva's death. But the rule of the game, whenever you started play the game you MUST complete the game then only you can stop.
Well, most of the story line everyone can guess it correctly. Who's behind the game, what happen to Eva, Violet, and Mandy, will Gillian survive. Can guessed it right. The disappointing parts are during they inside the game - Hell, the visual environment just too fake that it looks like some 80s, 90s movie show and there is 1 part which make me laugh out loud with another 2 malay guys who sit beside me is during they inside hell, using mobile phone's camera to get guide and the guide is A FINGER~!! A pointer just like a mouse pointer. OMG, what the hell of Hell is that ??? Last, there is no ending in the story. Director wants we all to guess the ending too I guess.
My own rate for this movie (max 5 stars) - 2 stars.
08 September 2007
2008 budget
Source from MalaysiaKini.Com
The following are the salient points in Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi 's 44-page Budget speech entitled 'Together Building the Nation and Sharing Prosperity' delivered in Parliament this afternoon.
This year’s Budget is Abdullah’s fourth since he took over as prime minister from Dr Mahathir Mohamad in October 2003 and subsequently won a landslide victory in the general election a few months later.Corporate tax slashed to 25%
Corporate tax will be reduced to 25% in 2009.
The government announced the first cut in corporate tax in nine years in last year’s budget, reducing the company tax rate to 27 percent this year and 26 percent in 2008, from 28 percent previously.
Reduce government red tape
- Reduce the period for refund of income tax from six months to between 14-30 days for e-filing applications.
- Immediate registration of companies instead of three days previously.
- Reduce the approval time for Environmental Impact Assessment from three months to five weeks.
- Cutting the processing period for work permit to seven days for skill workers, compared to 14 previously.
Multiple entry visas
Indian and Chinese nationals can apply for multiple entry visas in the country where they are residing or working, instead in their country of origin.
This facility will be made available in international financial centres, such as New York, London, Hong Kong and Singapore, effective January 2008.
50% stamp duty exemption for houses
A 50% stamp duty exemption on documents of transfer will be given for the purchase of one house of not more than RM250,000 per unit. This will rduce the cost of buying a house by up to RM2,000.
An initial fund of RM400 million has been earmarked to increase bumiputera property investment in Iskandar Development Region in Johor.
More flexibility for SMEs
Small and Medium-side Enterprises (SMEs) will have the flexibility to pay taxes at the end of financial year instead of monthly instalments.
Education fees abolished
The annual fees for primary and secondary schools will be abolished, effective 2008.
The Text Book Loan Scheme will be provided to all students, irrespective of their families' income and with no restrictions on the number of eligible children. With this, schooling in Malaysia is now completely free.
Free uniform for uniform activities for those students from families with monthly income of RM1,000 and below.
Increase allowance for teachers
- Increase the allowance for special education teachers from RM100 to RM250 per month.
- Raise the allowance for graduate substitute teachers from RM85 to RM150 per month.
- Provide an allowance of RM60 per hour for degree holders and RM50 per hour for diploma holders teaching Chinese and Tamil languages in national schools.
More scholarships for higher education
The number of undergraduate students sponsored by Public Service Department in local universities from 5,000 students to 10,000 annually, beginning 2008.
The cost of living allowance (Cola) for government-sponsored students in local higher education institutions will be increased between 23% and 84%.
The Cola for government-sponsored overseas students in US, UK and Canada will be increased by up to 97%, almost double the current rate.
Tax relief for post-graduate students and sports equipment
Tax relief of up to RM5,000 on education fees be extended to all post-graduate students.
The law will be amended to allow employers to provide financial assistance to enable workers to pursue post-graduate degrees, especially in new and high technology areas.
Individual tax relief of up to RM300 a year be given to the purchases of sports and exercise equipment.
Encouraging ICT
Last mile network facilities providers be given Investment Allowance of 100% on capital expenditure incurred for broadband up to Dec 31, 2010.
Import duty and sales tax exemptions be given on broadband equipment and consumer access devices.
Tax deduction for employers on benefits in the form of new computers and broadband subscription fees for employees. Such benefits received by employees will also be tax exempted.
Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission has allocated RM45 million for the implementation implementation of SchoolNet project to provide Internet services to schools.
Monthly withdrawals for EPF contributors
EPF contributors can make monthly withdrawals from the balance in Account 2 (30% of total contributions). This will be effective from Jan 1, 2008 and for the financing of one house.
This is for those who have to pay off their housing loan.
Stamp duty exemption for husband-wife property transfer
Full stamp duty exemption on the transfer of property from husband to wife.
In cases where the wife wishes to transfer property to the husband, the same exemption applies.
More spending in public transportation
Over the next four years, RM12 billion will be spent to improve public transportation in Kuala Lumpur and Penang.
To alleviate traffic congestion in Penang, the Penang Outer Ring Road (Porr) will be implemented on a tender basis shortly.
RM2 bil bond for senior citizens
A RM2 billion bond will be issued by Bank Negara Malaysia to be subscribed by senior citizens aged 55 years and above, who do not have permanent jobs.
The maximum limit per person is RM50,000, with a maturity period of three years and a rate of return of 5% per year.
To reduce the financial burden of the poor and needy senior citizens, the Government will increase their allowance from RM200 to RM300 per month, effective from Jan 1, 2008.
Higher allowance for the disabled
The disabled workers monthly allowance to increase from RM200 to RM300.
A special assistance of RM300 per month for eligible persons taking care of the disabled, who are bed-ridden and patients suffering from chronic illness.
Tax deduction on renovation costs in the work place incurred by employers for the disabled to encourage the private sector to hire more disabled workers.
Budget deficit down to 3.1%
The government has said that it will reduce its fiscal deficit in 2008 to 3.1% of gross domestic product from 3.2% in 2007.
While it was estimated that the deficit is around 3.4% this year, it appeared to have been revised to 3.2% due to unexpected high income from oil exports and an increase in tax revenues.
The budget deficit, the 11th in a row, has seen a progressive reduction since 2000 which stood at 5.5% then.
The government has not set a deadline in its effort to wipe out the budget deficit, which as a share of GDP is the biggest in Southeast Asia.
The budget deficit is due to the government spending more than it earned over the years.
Economic growth between 6% and 6.5% in 2008
The goverment is bullish on economic growth for next year - expected to be between 6% to 6.5%.
Growth was 5.9% in 2006.
It slowed to about 5.8% currently, but the government is maintaining its forecast for this year at 6%.
Total expenditure for 2008 Budget
The total expenditure for 2008 Budget is RM176.9 billion - 10.9% higher than the spending in 2007.
Of this, RM128.8 billion is for operating expenditure while RM48.1 billion is for development expenditure.
The development expenditure was RM46 billion in last year’s Budget.
What's not in 2008 Budget
No cut in income tax - The income tax will remain at 28% while corporate tax will be slashed to 25% in 2009. There is also raise in the minimum taxable income level and the provision of higher tax relief for spouses, children and insurance payments.
No increase in sin tax - the government has already increased the excise duty on tobacco products by 25% two months ago. There is also no hike in alcohol duties.
No implementation of GST - the long-delayed goods and services tax will be put off to 2009. The GST was announced in 2005 and was to be implemented in January 2007.
No bonus for civil servants - Unlike last year, the 2008 Budget did not mention any bonus for civil servants this year.
For full text of 2008 budget speech, get it on the link shown above.
02 September 2007
Rogue Assassin and Rata
Yo..Just back from Cineleisure again :P Don't know why this few weeks i like to spend my time in cinema. Well, today too free so bought 2 movies ticket and watched it in 1 shot. 1st movie on 3.40pm, I watched - Rogue Assassin, starring by Jet Li and Jason Statham. This movie storyline just normal which most of the part I managed to guess it correctly. The nice part was just during the end of the show that when Jet Li (Rogue) started to show his true identity and start doing lot of cool killing style with lot of head chopping, heart stabbing, and sword cutting scenes. Just another action movie by Jet Li :)
Next movie I watched on 9.25pm - Ratatouille, (horrraaayyyy, at last manage to bought the ticket!! haha..) hmm, as expected a very humorous movie. Its about a rat(Remy) who have a very good sense of smell and his ambition was to become a chef. As a rat, he can't manage to cook by using human kitchen. Remy then met Linguorine (whatever the spelling is) a human that also son of the famous chef who Remy admired. From then, the story of a rat cooking by "puppet-ing" the human in the kitchen start and of course since then the humors keep made the audience laugh out loud in the cinema. A nice show I assume :)
Me and Vion before Ratatouille's show start. Outside Cathay cineplex, got the High School Musical 2 premier thinggy event and made the food counter above closed and cause the downstairs counter's queue sooooo llooooonnnnggggg....