27 May 2008

Reminiscene of CrossX

CrossX - A blader from CabalSea.com. He's from Mercury and always join channel 19 when he's awake. He started his journey in World of Cabal since 3rd March 2008 until today and met quite a lot other Cabalist in there. Now, CrossX seem tired with the journey and might take some rest before continuing his journey inside...

Here some of CrossX memories........

CrossX still a kid and met John.

Mr John teach warming up.

Then he show CrossX how to do KameHameHa from Dragonball.



Then we dance the "Gay dance" together

Few more days later, we form a new guild call Asgard - lead by John. A kiss goodbye for WantedDOA.
After that, for the 1st time in CrossX life, managed combo more than 15 times.

Few more days later........
Obviously, Asgard won WantedDoa for the friendly guild war. Gorge666 is the WantedDoa leader.
Then, CrossX break his 16 combo record and build a new record of 21 combo.

After weeks CrossX in Cabal, he found his CLONE!! CrossXII (CrossX 2 !!).CrossXII is a force shielder and HER experience is still lower than CrossX at the time. Many people thought that was CrossX too at the 1st time. After that she become CrossX wife in Cabal (forcefully by CrossX)

After that, CrossX need to went out from Cabal world for around 1 week for midterm exam =.="" When he continue his journey in Cabal, CrossXII had left the guild without reason and can't be found since that day. So CrossX continue his journey alone until he reached dual transcender skill and maximize upgraded his sword skill which is important for a blader.

Current CrossX

For now, CrossX might rest for a period 1st before continue the journey in Cabal. And this is the Asgard logo, created/designed by Mr John.

Winged Guardian

Meaning of Asgard - Quote from Wikipedia - In Norse mythology, Asgard (Old Norse: Ásgarðr; meaning "Enclosure of the Æsir"[1]) is the country or capital city of the Æsir surrounded by an incomplete wall attributed to a Hrimthurs riding the stallion Svadilfari, according to Gylfaginning. Valhalla is located within Asgard.

22 May 2008

Today is the last day of my exam for this trimester and what I can comment on my own feeling is just..........

Because of too much on........

12 May 2008

Exam Study Week

Final is coming. There is no time to update blog during the exam period. Why? Because I need to do all these........


CABAL CABAL !!! Dual Transcender Skill Soon!!!

And after 1 hour cabal

So tired...This show that during exam period it's hard for me to maintain my blog.
Update after exam period end on 22nd May 2008. That time will be my new house in Sri Kembangan update.

01 May 2008

Labor day

It's 1st of May 2008 !! Labor Day for this year which is also every single working person having their holiday~ yay~!! Almost a month that I never update my blog which appeared that I'm having difficulty to get pictures when I wanted to blog. Without pictures it's hard for me to describe everything in detail which I'm a person who are not really that good in elaborating story of my life.

Final exam for this semester coming soon. Assignment due date reaching soon too including this morning just finish the presentation of CyberP. The contract of my waterfall house also ending. Which made the situation very the vexed. Cabaling too much. Delayed the assignment process. Agent can't find a good house in Cyberia. OMG!!!!

So after the presentation in the morning, went to Sri Kembangan with De wen, Mr. Ng Chang Khai, and Mr. James Chow with the mission titled - The New Wolfz Den

Objective of mission
  • Go Sri Kembangan - in Bandar Putri Permai.
  • Look for houses with board/sticker/paper on main door.
  • Call the number 1 by 1 .
  • Look for houses that is suitable to be new den for Wolfz
  • Return Cyberjaya after mission above completed.
We found some interesting houses which quite suitable to be my new den. How you all think bout my new den?

House with tree inside car porch

House with natural hiding place for Wolfz

Credit to James Chow who take the photos of the houses.


On The News Site

Dr Mahathir Mohamad today entered the world of blogging with the address www.chedet.com. According to MalaysiaKini news, I quote this out :

Mahathir said the site was "dedicated to publishing my writings as and when I am able to pen my thoughts and opinion."

Congrats Tun and welcome to the world of blogging.